Editor's review
Have a warning bar attached to your web page so that the visitors get to know any information that you may wish to share with them. Generate the info bars to be shown on top of your web page with the help of Infobar Generator 1.0 software. It can be used with ease and offers great features to the user.
The software is downloaded ad installed with ease on the system so that you can just start up with the functioning instantly. The opening screen of the software is small in size and the options are few and easier to use. You can have the infobar caption set what you want it to be. Write the message you want to be displayed on the infobar that show with the web page. Select the destination URL to navigate when the user would click the infobar. You can also enable opening the URL in New Window and also you may create an ‘X’ button to close the bar. Select the web page to add the infobar to. Browse and select the page and after you’re done with adding the infobar, you just need to upload the page to the website. The option ‘Install the script to’ is placed at the program screen for the purpose. The program is all formed with simplicity in functioning and all the options are shown on the screen that few and countable. The software is not assisted by any help fie but operating the program is so easier that you would not require any help file. When you’re done with the selection you just need to click the ‘Go’ button and the work is done. Check the web page and you would see the infobar with the caption that you assigned to it.
The Infobar Generator 1.0 software has been awarded 3.5 rating point for its performance and easy user interface. Get it and put up an infobar holding all the important information right on the top of your web page.
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